Journalisted is an independent, not-for-profit website built to make it easier for the public, to find out more about journalists and what they write about. It is run by the Media Standards Trust.   It collects information automatically from the websites of British news outlets. Articles are indexed by journalist, based on the byline to the article. Keywords and statistics are automatically generated, and the site searches for any blogs or social bookmarking sites linking to each article.

Ryder Cup, Megan and Unionist parade

for the week ending Sunday 30 September

  • 2012 Ryder Cup covered most
  • 15-year-old Megan Stammers absconds with teacher covered lots
  • Thousands gather at Unionist parade covered little
For the latest instalment of Tobias Grubbe, journalisted’s 18th century jobbing journalist, go to

Covered Lots

  • Golfing stars begin competing for the 2012 Ryder Cup, 502 articles
  • 15-year-old Megan Stammers and her teacher Jeremy Forrest are caught in Bordeaux where he is arrested on suspision of abduction, 182 articles
  • The Liberal Democrat Party Conference takes place in Brighton, 163 articles

Covered Little

Political ups and downs (top ten by number of articles)

Celebrity vs Serious

Eurozone leaders (top ten by number of articles)

There were no other Eurozone leaders covered this week.

Who wrote a lot about… Apple Maps

Long form journalism