The International Forum for Responsible Media Blog

Tag: Sonia Livingstone

How can we make the internet safe for children in practice? – Sonia Livingstone

Children's rights apply in the digital world! | Media@LSEOne in three children uses the internet, and one in three internet users is a child. Yet tech companies claim to be unable to determine who is a child online. This is a practical but also a political challenge – does society want to task companies with age-assessing all their users? Or is that too great a risk to the privacy and freedom of expression of both adults and children? Continue reading

Revenge pornography and online hate content: the evidence underpinning calls for regulating online harms in the UK – Julia Davidson and Sonia Livingstone

The UK Government’s Online Harms White Paper includes a much-discussed Table (p.31) on the online harms in scope of the proposed regulation. This distinguishes “Harms with a clear definition” from “Harms with a less clear definition” and “Underage exposure to legal content.” Continue reading

Truth, Trust and Technology: so what’s the problem? – Sonia Livingstone

As policy makers in the UK and elsewhere consider how to tackle the spread of misinformation and the problems it causes, the LSE Truth, Trust and Technology Commission published its report last week, ‘Tackling the Information Crisis: A Policy Framework for Media System Resilience.’ Professor Sonia Livingstone, Chair of the Commission, explains here some of the problems the report seeks to address. Continue reading

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