The International Forum for Responsible Media Blog

Tag: Arbitration

Mirror, mirror on the wall; will this press arbitration scheme do any good at all? – Amber Melville-Brown

Leveson ReportOnce upon a time, a long, long time ago, there was an investigation into press behaviour. Sir Brian Leveson heard from witnesses, tale upon tale of poor press conduct, and ultimately issued a plethora of sensible recommendations for press regulation with a view to ensure that the watchdog and bloodhound of society that is the press, could no longer savage the rights and reputations of the public. Continue reading

Leveson, Arbitration and the Press: clearing up some issues – Hugh Tomlinson QC

arbitrationAccording to Lord Justice Leveson, one of the key requirements of a new independent press regulator is an “arbitration service”. The recommendation is that the regulator should provide “an arbitral process in relation to civil legal claims against subscribers, drawing on independent legal experts of high reputation and ability on a cost-only basis to the subscribing member” (Recommendation 22). Continue reading

Leveson and the Regional Press: the misconceived “arbitration problem” – Hugh Tomlinson QC

RegionalOne of the key recommendations of the Leveson Report is that a new independent press regulator should provide a “fair, quick and inexpensive” arbitration service.  This is one of three “arms” of the new regulator: standards enforcement, complaints handling and arbitration.  It is proposed that the arbitration service will deal with “civil” complaints – cases which would otherwise be the subject of Court proceedings.  There is a helpful diagram in the Report (Vol 4, K, 4.3, p.1759). Continue reading

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