WhittingdaleThe House of Commons Select Committee for Culture, Media and Sport on Press Standards, Privacy and Libel has received over the last 10 months  a plethora of written submissions and heard a considerable amount of evidence from interest groups, media organisations, lawyers, judges, editors, journalists and victims of the media in the UK. click here for submissions

The Committee has also visited media organisations, and regulators both in the UK and Europe and America.

It appears given the imminence of the General election that no more evidence will be received and the report will be published in the next few weeks.

Whatever the contents the report the highlights of the live sessions were the appearances of Max Mosley formerly President of the FIA, Paul Dacre editor of the Daily Mail, Andy Coulson former editor of the Sun, Nick Davies of the Guardian,  Sir Anthony  Clarke the Master of the Rolls and assistant commissioner Yates of the Metropolitan Police. The transcripts are available of the House of Commons website and you can view the evidence on Parliament TV. click here for transcripts